Deploying JAVA Spring Boot Application to the SAP BTP Cloud Foundry Instance
Let's dive into deploying a simple REST Controller to the BTP Cloud Foundry Instance. If you have a trial BTP account, this will be a great opportunity to follow along and understand the process. Hopefully, by the end of this tutorial, not only will I have a clearer grasp of the deployment process, but it might also help someone else facing similar challenges.
Step 1.
Before we begin, I highly recommend bookmarking the following resource:
Step 2.
Let's ensure your development environment is set up correctly. One common issue is the absence of essential tools like Maven and CF on your local machine. You can find installation instructions for these tools here:

Step 3.
Create a folder where your new Spring Boot project will reside.

Step 4.
Follow the instructions provided in the documentation to initialize your Spring Boot project. Make sure to input the required information as prompted.
mvn archetype:generate "" \
"-DarchetypeArtifactId=spring-boot3" \

Step 5.
Execute the necessary commands to run the downloaded sample project locally.
mvn clean install
cd application/
mvn spring-boot:run -D""=local

You should see the application successfully running once this process is complete.

Step 6.
Verify that the application is running locally by accessing it via http://localhost:8081/
You can also interact with the application using tools like Postman.
Step 7.
Find the Cloud Foundry endpoint for your BTP instance and log in using the Cloud Foundry API.

Please refer to the official documentation where it is required.

Step 8.
Now, let's push the application to your Cloud Foundry instance.

Step 9.
Once the deployment is complete, you can check the status of your application using the BTP cockpit.